Your Business and Executive Coach

You and your challenges are the focus. Your ambition matches my desire and empathy to help you achieve your goals in the most efficient way.

My executive leadership experience and coaching expertise will accurately address your challenges and save you time in achieving your goals.

Your measurable success will have an immediate and sustainable benefit for you and your organization.

Your Business and Executive Coach

You and your challenges are the focus. Your ambition matches my desire and empathy to help you achieve your goals in the most efficient way.

My executive leadership experience and coaching expertise will accurately address your challenges and save you time in achieving your goals.

Your measurable success will have an immediate and sustainable benefit for you and your organization.

What are the most relevant topics for leaders?

  • Changing business environment
  • Digital transformation
  • Continuous education
  • Higher flexibility
  • High availability
  • Organizations restructure to focus on team over individual performance
  • Working together of different generations representing different values
  • Dynamic processes
  • Transparency and availability on knowledge
  • New models of Job and private life
  • Industry 4.0 as fourth industrial revolution

What are your challenges as leader?

The blended workforce Is on the rise

In the past five years, the gig economy has become a major trend impacting the global workforce, and has created a new kind of diversity, with full-time permanent employees working side-by-side with freelancers.

More “we”, less “me”

Team performance drives business performance. The greater employees’ awareness about their company’s internal and external environments, the faster they can make decisions and the faster their company can adapt.

Investment on human capital

The smart option for industry leaders is to capitalize on the millennial workforce population given that they (millennials) comprise the majority of the labor force today, and one motivating factor for millennials is personal and professional development.

Developing Managerial Effectiveness

The challenge of developing the relevant skills — such as time-management, prioritization, strategic thinking, decision-making and getting up to speed with the job — to be more effective at work.

Leading change

Particularly mid-level managers can have a big influence on whether change is implemented effectively. This is why developing leadership skills and confidence within the mid-level management at organizations is so critical.

Inspiring others

The challenge of inspiring or motivating others to ensure they are satisfied with their jobs and working smarter.

Perspective Management

In a constantly changing competitive landscape, how a leader comports himself has direct implications for not only organizational climate but painting the picture for newbies as to what effective leadership looks like. For every leader who sees uncertainty, for example, somebody else sees opportunity; for every leader who sees risk, another sees reward.

Emotional intelligence

To have emotional intelligence is to be self-aware, be able to self-regulate, to have social awareness and social regulation. It’s all about knowing your strengths and challenges and how you contribute to the outcomes of different situations.

Increased focus on Networks

For leaders to keep their companies competitive they’ll need people who can not only lead their own team but also work and collaborate across teams; it’s the difference between teamwork and teaming.

Getting honest feedback

It’s not that people are dishonest, they just often aren’t asked to provide feedback, or they hold back when they do.

Authority vs Influence

Leading from a position of influence, using relationships and knowledge, people will do their tasks to the best of their ability.

About Coaching

What exactly is coaching, and why can it be extremely useful for you or your company?

What does a coaching process look like and what makes coaching successful? Why is it important to measure coaching effectiveness and how do you do this?

My Coaching

Are you open minded, have the willingness to change and to improve to achieve your goals and make the necessary steps?

Then you have a great partner and coach in me, who supports you in continuously boosting your performance. Please click here for more details.

My approach as a leader and coach is to listen to you accurately, to put myself in your shoes to understand your problems and challenges.

Finally, discovering your true abilities and strengths allows you to consciously focus on these abilities and strengths and inspire you with self-empowerment to achieve your maximum performance.

About me

What is fascinating about coaching and why do I coach after 17 years of international business experience in a number of different positions in different countries? Why can I be your perfect Business or Executive Coach?

References / Testimonials

I currently hold the role head of APAC Products Business Management at a big bank in Asia in the rank of a director and I am located in Hong Kong. I am in the Financial Services Industry for over 21 years.
Recently my bank announced a major reorganization and my boss was sacked since the bank is facing economic challenges and needs to save costs through delayering. I was facing the option to stay in another position or accept the resignation letter from the bank with a severance package.

Zsolt was very helpful in this decision process. He helped me to unfold my options with all consequences. We not only looked at my career track but also my personal circumstances to prepare a holistic and well informed decision. This process was very important for me to understand what I really want. I feel that I was able to concisely taking the right decision which gave me me peace of mind despite there will be uncertainty ahead. Once again thank you to Zsolt to help me shaping a bright future.

F.D.Head of APAC Products Business Management, Hong Kong

Already after the first coaching session I noticed positive changes at / in myself. With his target-oriented questions, I was able to sharpen my strengths and motivation in order to be more successful in my job and in private life. The recommended, short but strong literature were very helpful and inspiring as well. I am really grateful for his support and questions to be able to constantly develop myself.

Laszlo BereczkiSupplier Capacity Management, Daimler AG

Ich habe Zsolt Szelpal als empathischen Coach mit guten Zuhörqualitäten und soliden Methodenkenntnissen kennengelernt, der das Interesse des Kunden in den Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit stellt. Dabei kommt ihm seine Persönlichkeit als vertriebsorientierte Führungskraft, seine kreative Herangehensweise an die Lösungsanleitung und seine offene Denkweise zu gute. Seine selbstgesteckten Qualitätsansprüche, sein internationaler Hintergrund und seine sprachliche Vielseitigkeit machen ihn zu einem nahezu idealen Coach für international tätige Executives.

Dr. Paul BinderPersonalberater & Business Coach